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Limit Switch, E100, E300 Series

E100, E300 series products is introduce into ltaly technic to product with heat-resistant and low temperature. It is to service at such control circuit as AC40~60Hz, Voltage of 380VAC or 220VDC and current of 6A to automatically control machine tool, limit movement and action of drive mechanism and control program.
The nominal service conditions include an ambient temperature of -25℃~+40℃, an ambient relative humidity of 95%, an altitude of 2000m and protection degree of IP66. the mechanical life is of 30×106 times and the electrical life le is of 1A/AC. It complies with the standard of IEC337-1 and G14048.5-2001.
  • E100, E300

  • E100, E300

Limit Switch, E100, E300 Series

Limit Switch, E100, E300 Series

Characteristics / Application:

     E100, E300 series products is introduce into ltaly technic to product with heat-resistant and low temperature. It is to service at such control circuit as AC40~60Hz, Voltage  of  380VAC  or  220VDC  and  current  of  6A  to  automatically  control  machine  tool,  limit movement and action of drive mechanism and control program.

     The nominal service conditions include an ambient temperature of -25℃~+40℃, an ambient relative humidity of 95%, an altitude of 2000m and protection degree of IP66. the mechanical life is of 30×106 times and the electrical life le is of 1A/AC. It complies with the standard of IEC337-1 and G14048.5-2001.




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